Pisces Practice: you are love

The thing we have in common is that we all crave human connection. We need it to survive and thrive in our lives.

Here is a Pisces embodied love practice.

We touch on creating safety in a moment of anxiety or shut down (or anytime to settle) by coming back to your senses, embodying the Love that you ALREADY ARE and offering forgiveness to ourselves.

Do it it in bed before you sleep, or anytime you anxiety or old story and emotion comes up to be purged into the new life you are experiencing now. We also hold space for you to receive a song and do a movement practice at the end.It's super fun and so helpful!

During the most difficult moments in our lives, we have all made mistakes and experience traumas.

It's why when we look at the news it seems unbearable, because we know the hell realm that can not see through the darkness into the beauty and love that is always always present inside it. Inside the corners of carelessness and under the currents of sadness and grief.

I'm not saying the suffering of the world makes sense or is beautiful, I am saying that it is imperative we create that with it.

There is beauty and love even amidst the darkest of hours, although we are not always meant to see it in the moment.

I am not claiming to know why this is the way it is, but I do know that it can bring us closer together if we learn how to let it.

If we knew better then, we would have done better.

In a world where every action is looked at under a microscope of priveledged authority, we tend to hide the ways we have been hurt, and the hurt we have cause others.

This is no way to live and no way to heal ourselves and step into the service and love we came to embody.

I want to write something useful and inspiring to you, share something that I know will support you on your journey in this moment.

But the truth is that the deepest medicine I have to give is my vulnerability and confidence that sharing that will be enough.

My insecurities tend to get high when Pisces rolls in with her wild compassion and sensitivity.

Someone who loves deeply also feels the loss deeply.

The sacrifices we've made also tend to arise to be heard and felt.

I find value in sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes, and I also know that the tears of another help me feel thing I have been too frozen to feel.

Enjoy the practice and let us know how it goes. If you need more support, come to class on Friday.

AND JOIN OUR NEW 21 day course starting March 13th. Three weeks of embodied writing practice and movement you’ll receive every day to support you on your path of embodied love.


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