Welcome all of you

Audio Training on Authentic Offerings and Boundaries

So often when it comes to what it is that we really feel like we came here to share, whether that be professionally, creatively or even in romance, we get stuck.

What blocks most people is the feeling that they can’t be authentic, an imposter syndrome sensation or a really deep intense fear of being seen.

In this short audio training, I want to give you some psycho-education on what’s happening somatically for in those moments when we can’t just do the task at hand or say the thing we really feel, as well as a practice to support this process of becoming our most authentic alive, abundant selves.


Let us know how it goes, and join us on Friday to learn a somatic and spiritual practice focusing on self acceptance and astrology in the body.

With heart,


PS if you feel ready to travel join us for a small and intimate retreat in Mazunte, Mexico end of March! Details here.


birthing a new world of intimacy we’ve never seen


Embodied Grief